GREY:GYPHQ - Post by User
Post by
davetrouton May 19, 2014 3:49pm
Post# 22575912
rule 2004 examination
rule 2004 examination Rule 2004 can be used
By the Trustee
Most often, a trustee will request the 2004 Exam to investigate:
the location of your assets
your financial transactions
the accuracy of your bankruptcy schedules and other papers, and
- whether you committed fraud.
This exam must be why we haven't had resolution to bankruptcy. Will the trustee get into questioning the caterpillar purchases if we didn't have enough money to make the lease payments.? Was that the trick W. used that precipitated the BK? Was money siphoned off and hidden to make it impossible to pay for the machinery? Were gold sales made but money not kept in corporate accounts? Rule 2004 exam could be used to answer these questions but our boy Jim's name isn't mentioned as one to be interviewed. Is the trustee dissatisfied by the cooperation of those who hold the answers to this mess? Puzzling to say the least.