Time to stop this nuclear power bashing..........Enough is enough with the nuclear power bashing.
No matter what source of fuel powers our world it will come with it's own set of problems and dangers.
Is anyone paying attention to what gas fracking is doing to the North American continent? People near gas wells complain of of headaches, diarrhea, nosebleeds, dizziness, blackouts, muscle spasms, and other problems and the long term effects are still unknown.
The world is in an uproar against nuclear power when Mother Nature unleashes a Tsunami on Japan that effects everything in it's path, not just the nuclear plants.
Shouldn't people be in an uproar when citizens are driven from their homes because they when they light a match to the water coming out of their kitchen faucets, it bursts into flames because gas and it's by products are leaking into their drinking water?
This is not just a few people....It's thousands of people and many of them could well face an early demise or a lifetime of illness not unlike the effects of radiation poisoning.
Over 20,000 people died because of the flooding and destruction caused by the Tsunami in Japan.
Nobody died from the resulting reactor failures.........Zero.......and the probability of future deaths from the accident are considered low to none.
Is gas fracking going to stop anytime soon regardless of the devastating impact it's going to have on this generation and generations to follow........Of course not...It's big business and it's all about the money.
Just recently there were 301 deaths in a coal mining disaster in Turkey.
Where is the world uproar? (Deaths in Japan from reactor failure...zero in case you forgot)
No matter where you look, there is inherent danger and risk involved when we tap into the worlds supply of natural resources.
It doesn't matter if it's gas, coal, oil, or nuclear power.
All we can do is minimize the risk and nuclear power has amazingly strict set of standards to adhere to and that's the main reason why the total amount of radioactivity(according to the Japanese Government) released into the atmosphere in Japan was one-tenth the amount released in the Chernobyl accident.
It's the safe-guards that were in place in Japan that minimized the impact.
Like it or not, nuclear power is coming in a big way.
Independent studies have shown that the life-cycle emissions from nuclear energy is comparable to wind and solar power and far, far less than coal or natural gas powered plants.
One of two things will happen when it comes to fossil fuels. One day they will just run out or they will cause so much damage to our world that alternatives like nuclear energy, solar power, and wind-power will be the only option left to us.
And of those three, nuclear power is the most reliable because we all know........the sun doesn't always shine and the wind doesn't always blow.
In a few hundred years our fossil fuels could be gone, but it will take about a billion years to use up the nuclear energy available to us.
It's time to quit bashing nuclear power and wake up. It's going to come down to either nuclear or nothing one day.
For over 100 days I was flooded out of my home last year. One day as I sat there in the dark with no power, no stove, no fridge, no T.V. and no running water I realized just how lucky we are and just how much we take for granted.
Hopefully we get this right or one day the whole world will be left in the dark...
And believe me.......you won't like it.