Lechmeir????The real issue is that I believe that you own absolutely no stock in dhm!!!! If you did how could you applaud a roll back, extremely excessive salaries for Docherty?????Docherty selling stock at .02 than covering in the half cent pp!!!! You actually applaud this sort of stuff!!! You fool no one!!!! LOL!!!!
By the way Lechie!!!!!! All the stuff that I said on this board is backed up with facts in the financials, propery agreements, Insider filings and official documentation!!!!!
You simply put on your cheerleading outfit and wave POM POMS!!!!
The reall issue here is that you are either a relative of someone in managemnet or a paid pumper!!!!!!LOL!!!! One or the other Lechster!!!!!!! Too funny!!!!
How much is Dochertys salary again ole Lechmeir??????LOL!!!!!
Due your very thorough due diligence on this one!!!!
Congratualtions to Docherty, Political Tony, Guardsmen and Jason!!!!!