WintersunJust if your wondering (and anyone else).....not trying to come across as an axxholke here. I just find we get bogged down in irrelevant issues. Yes i have a large holding of PTK, along with a few others. Yes I am a booster of the company.
Further for the record, I don't really understand the whole process either for design etc for this type of device. But I have been around and in the stock game, stock business, marketing business, and the business world, for 30 years . I find through all the nice debate, the stupidity of name calling, and the sub neaderthal negativity, we may be missing the whole point here. That is......the trajectory of the discovery, the absolute weight of effect and affect it will have, and how enormous it can or could be. Provided it all tests out as speculated (and looks like it is), its a global happening on a global scale. Intel, Samsung, TSM, ARM....all are watching very closely and most likely have dibs through non disclosures, for final bid. To borrow a gelogy type analogy, the magma chamber is swelling beneath our feet. The resultant explosion will redefine the whole technology industry.