RE:RE:RE:RE:Company's Latest MD & A on SedarI agree that there is potential for a big increase, but I'm not so sure it will be made in the short term. I don't think that the financiing will kick start the share price; I think that the market already assumes it will go through. I think the biggest problem is that the company is currently lacking in credibility.
When you estimate that you'll be pulling five to seven thousand ounces out of the ground, increase the estimate to six to eight thousand, and then fail to deliver.... well, your credibility gets trounced. The company's plan to prevent or reduce shareholder diution through gold sales also falls apart; now, dilution is inevitable because cash is needed.
So, how will the company increase value? Only though further exploration results and substantial gold estimate increases. And that's going to take some time, if it happens at all.
You still may be able to make 30 times your money, but you can also do this in Vegas at the roulette wheel. I'm just not sure which option provides the best odds; although, right now, I'd be leaning toward Vegas.