sure is alot of action on this board these days.. some great posts some aweful ones.. i guess thats what happens when a stock plummets 65% from .57 c to current levels.. bottom line is that this project isn't going anywhere.. it's a big mine.. lots of potential and future looks bright.. Belo dam is being built no matter what.. it's an infrusture play the government needs built.. all the negative news on it is going to hurt of course and yes permits are key here.. but they will be obtained eventually.
in my view it's a great time to be buying this stock at these ridicoulous low levels either to get in for your first purchase or to start averaging down.. either way this project will be built eventually. 10 million ounces in the ground.. as they keep drilling the grades will improve and the management that is currently in place, ie. Mark Eaton is who you want to be steering the ship... one rule that an investor should always go by: don't invest with money that you can't afford to lose or do without for long periods of time.. Good luck to all.. weather the storm and good things will come!