Buying OpportunityI hope there aren't too many more but today was a closing down sale! Got in at a low price point (I can't say the very bottom) but it was near there and caught the bounce up. Makes me a little unhappy I bought at 10.27 the other day. All good, averaged down and holding for June loads + Aug Q2. I even managed to tap my margin account given what I felt were prices that we should have not seen again.
Keep an eye on he Canadian dollar, it seems to be doing well and keep an eye on that oil number which seems to have caused the big drop yesterday and today. See Ksycheng, not to stir the pot but you can't really predict this stuff. Until the US Gov't announces their numbers and usage of oil, all was okay. Now that the numbers are out all went to poo poo. Luckily for all of us, a plane hasn't fallen out of the sky, then we'd all be in serious dire straights.
Hope you're buying on these dips and keep that trailing stop far far away. 100% in play, 100% of the time!