RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:CGG/SP$10 WITH CGG BUY/BACK China 2020: What Will China Look Like in the Future?
China's Fortune 500 selected companies. Each firm is worth $850billion /the Chinese businessmen will bring in an estimated $1trillion which would have positive multiplier effect in the nation’s economy./Over twenty investors from the Republic of China who are on a business tour in the country have indicated their readiness to invest about $300 billion to boost Nigeria's economy. His words, "The positive multiple effect of the money the Chinese businessmen are bringing into Nigeria,/China will invest $636 billion in water-related projects through 2020. In fact, by focusing on building basic modern apartments for China's rising middle class, the country's leading developer, China Vanke, built some 80,000 apartments in more than 25 cities.
Polyus has sought an
international merger that would make it one of the largest-ranking
gold producers ..with CGG/Mundoro Merger it would be in 2014! An unprecedented logistics feat has prepared Russian No.1 gold producer
Polyus Gold International to push forward with construction of its potential 1.5Moz pa Natalka gold deposit in the country’s far east.
Getting the new plant, SAG mill and ball mill to the site in the remote Magadan region, 400km from of the nearest port, involved a massive road caravan that crossed 63 bridges and three mountain passes at altitudes up to 1150m.
Total weight of the cargo was 977t, including 60 non-standard items and nine over-sized items weighing about 100t each.