Frankfurt trading.028 euros...roughly 4 cents on 10,000 shares this morning. Seldom trades on Frankfurt, but about 2 weeks ago traded over 350,000 shares...steadily increasing price albeit not much obviously.
There is, most definitely, accumulation occurring with ADL. That reorganization as announced in the Early warning Report along with Dundee taking over the Goodman Holdings may surprise a few holders as well as me. Maybe it will not involve ADL's Yitzhak license????
The trading pattern is positive....hopefully a positive outcome....I'm gambling a great deal that I'm right about the accumulation and have amassed a very large holding over the last many many months. When you buy at the bottom patience becomes a virtue as opposed to those who preach patience after a stock has substantially dropped....always better to have patience before you buy on the Venture exchange.
Junit followed UBS and it came in again yesterday....we're good to go here in my opinion. But we can afford to be patient with our low purchase prices.
By the way, I don't care about others buying this....there are a few other good stories out there and at the end of July many Venture stocks will be even lower than now.