RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:LOL - advice not takenWow your replies are becoming classics in obfuscation!
"Your logic is completely flawed. Just because people don't post negative things about management as much as you would like, doesn't mean they support management".
No They NEVER criticise Lori, EVER! Do you understand? That's not "as much as I would like", It's NEVER! Everyone else is to blame, Sculpin, Murry, Greens, Agoracom, Saddam Hussein are all their targets, but they NEVER criticise the CEO that has run the company for so many years!
Why is that do you think?
" Based on your logic, the 7 or 8 guys who were named in the libel lawsuit who almost never post anymore now support management as they are not criticizing management in posts""
This stuff is just garbage! They aren't posting because Lori named them in a lawsuit and they are being careful what they post! It's hardly rocket science, and certainly doesn't indicate anything other than they are complying with the order. You could call it a gagging order to prevent them from posting anything negative about her. Sculin has the courage to continue nevertheless.
"I don't have as significant a beef with management as I never have held shares - but it does tick me off that people who presented well thought out opinions and criticisms were attacked, banned, and then now are being blamed for supporting management"
So why spend so much time here then?
And why is it that people that were criticising management two or three years ago when there was possibly the expectation of a discovery, are now suporting maagement now it has all gone wrong?
Where is the logic there?
"And, if you think the only people to blame are the ones who run the company - you are living in a black and white dream world that is grey in reality."
Whatever you're on, you should bottle and sell it, you'd make a fortune!
If the US president can have a sign on his desk saying "the buck stops here", then so should EVERY CEO!
Lori picks the board and runs the company, all the decisions were hers! Get it, HERS!
Lori chose not to engage with the owners of the company (the shareholders) and therefore there was a proxy battle! But according to your flawed logic, "It's all Sculpin's fault"! LOL!
Had she engaged positively with the greens there would not have been a battle. People didn't want her wasting any more money, so opposed a financing, simples!
Had Lori engaged with sharehlders and spelt out her plans then maybe they woud have approved a financing, and even supported it?
So WHOSE fault is it that it became confrontational?
"And this ovoid thing has to stop - they targeted the MOST promising areas and didn't hit"
How do you know if that is true?
Come on please validate that statement with some facts! You have seen the Quantec recommendations and compared them to the actual drill results, with azimuths, right?
Why didn't they drill it to depth?
Why won't they release the azimuths?
They could do at no cost and would aussage some conspiracy concerns if they did?
Why is Lori hangng on to the company to the death?
Why have the white team been posting for weeks trying to pursuade people to sell? Why would they do that, or are you suggesting they love the greens so much they are being benevolent? Nicr try, but we don't believe you!
Yet the person they support continues to run this "doomed" company!