CLIFFS SELLING ?If Cliffs are truly selling.... then it is because of a power shift.... An interested party ie: 'stock take-over" may have requested Cliffs to sell off their shares to lower the price, with the idea of buying them out at an already agreed price at a higher level on their remaining shares when the deal is finally announced. From what I have ben able to determine...Cliffs needs the money, so it is logical that they will be the ones to move out of ownership. They had/have a lot of shares..... I always wondered how they would eventually be squeezed out... I am sure they willl probably still retain some ZEN their holdings. As a long holder it still bothers me that the stock price had to come down so far. The questions of a PP and the Delays in the PEA certainly have not helped. I see some Large stock swaps in the not-too-distant future . I really thought it woud be at $2.00..... Now, $1.75- $185 looks like a bull's eye Target.!