VOKBLVR's OPen PitAhah, that makes a certain amount of sense and still encompasses recognition of local conditions. A smaller seasonal open pit, operated for say six months of the year would be feasible. It would however probably have to wait for say year 4 or so of operation. In all likelihood the grade of the ore would be somewhat less than what could be produced from underground, and unless the mill was capable of processing , say 3500 tonnes per day , the operators would not want to displace high grade ore from underground with lower grade open pit ore. Conversely if for any reason whatsoever, the underground has difficulty feeding 27000 tones to the mill, the supply could be supplemented with ore stored in the open pit stockpile. There could be an additional unrecognized benefit in that in all underground mines, using paste or conventional backfill , there ALWAYS seems to be a problem supplying the necessary backfill when it is required. There would be additional handling costs of course but the open pit waste could supply this needed fill as and when necessary.