Well imo time for some ZEN shareholdersto re-think the usefulness of their bashing of CCB over on that board, and on this one. firstly, it's not going to move the ZEN price up any faster to bash CCB. and it makes one look less than confident in ones ZEN holdings. secondly, ye old battleforest has been working overtime using multiple id's like noflaker and $SHisChit, to stir up a war between the two camps, so you are making him very happy. thirdly, the stupid bunfight is likely keeping some new investors out of both stocks after reading the chit tossed back and forth. the discovery of canuck based hydrothermal graphite by both companies has created a new subsector in the graphite space. it's a sector of two companies, ZEN and CCB, and the upside for both is incredible imo. the flake stock sector is languishing badly. Companies like NGC and FMS have completed advanced mining studies, and no one is stepping forward to provide them with the financing they need to build a mine. so ask yourself if you truly believe that a bunfight between the 2 most promising stocks in the graphite space is going to boost your investment/trading account balances. at this point in time if either ZEN or CCB signs a purchase agreement with a nice price per tonne sticker (let's just say $10K plus per tonne for starters), it will benefit the other company by validating the hydrothermal natural graphite space. both stocks have been the subject of massive attacks from various sources on multiple websites. is more attacking going to help either? disclosure: I own both. for now I have more money in ZEN and own more shares of CCB than ZEN.