Confirmed !In the overall scheme of things these are all small steps building to larger leaps. Your heard it here first ...."Don't let hindsight, become foresight, by using shortsight". Like the Raccoon, the kid from Winnepeg and the rest of the lunk heads over at Angstacom who seem to have the malady (and splinters) of good old fashioned fence sitting. Pearls of wisdom there, but then again yesterday they were selecting their cars from the lot. This tells me they are desk bent cubicle-ized employes who have little or no understanding of markets, marketing etc. They have no business in this business as vocal as they are. They should hire a broker and go back to gaming and twitterpating.....Nuff said on those noobs.
So my fine friends, forget the daily gyrations.
Allow your management team to do their thing.
Allow the scientific team to do their thing.
Put your shares away, go on vacation and come back next spring.
Stop finding evil in delays, and angst in every corner.
The semiconductor world will find us (they already have)
The investing world will find us (the idiots already have)
The global village will demand our product.
The bottom line is that you will be more than sufficiently rewarded.
Now, theres that Midas letter thing.....