Dilution Hello with all. I met my financial adviser yesterday and I asked him to advise me on Abcourt. It answered me that it was unable because it did not have experience of the juniors. It also explained me that the new rules that the financial institutions had been given after 2008 made so that it was too be likely for them to invest like before in the juniors. There is thus more no expertise in the field, even in the mine field of Abitibi.
For this reason, it is normal that M.Hinse cannot borrow the sums necessary near financial institutions. The decision to finance the operations by the issue of new shares thus seems the best in the circumstances. The fault is thus allocated to the financial institutions which completely forsook the juniors.
Thing to be kept in mind, the Hinse family also diluted her own actions and it has much of it. I thus keep always hope in this company.