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POET Technologies Ord Shs V.PTK

Alternate Symbol(s):  POET

POET Technologies Inc. is a design and development company. It offers high-speed optical engines, light source products and custom optical modules to the artificial intelligence (AI) systems market and to hyperscale data centers. Its photonic integration solutions are based on the POET Optical Interposer, a novel, patented platform that allows the integration of electronic and photonic devices into a single chip using wafer-level semiconductor manufacturing techniques. Its Optical Interposer-based products consume less power than comparable products, are smaller in size and are readily scalable to high production volumes. In addition, it has designed and produced novel light source products for chip-to-chip data communication within and between AI servers, the next frontier for solving bandwidth and latency problems in AI systems. Its Optical Interposer platform solves device integration challenges across a range of communication, computing and sensing applications.

TSXV:PTK - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by brissfeston Jul 23, 2014 2:42pm
Post# 22774801

Who is making money?

Who is making money?The shorters, the daytraders, and the "retired" ex-insiders. Tough being a long here. GLTA
Bullboard Posts