Your 100% correct... Financially, INV looks to be better off than EGX and has a better grade AU. This is all IMHO... If you research over the past 5 years, a lot of the top players in the mining industry have had similar gold yeilds/grade as EGX and all been profitable. (pre 2013 gold prices). I have shares at .06 and .08. in EGX. INV SP is @.26. Profit margin on EGX, imho, if we get a best case scenario is far far greater than INV. Risk level is obviously larger with EGX. It boils down to risk management. again, IMHO, the gold is there, the extraction cost is minimal. EGX is going to a sale, worst case they go into mining with another company and we don't get the buyout price. I like the managment here, I think Glenn Lainge is on top of his game and has a track record of leadership in the industry. I've done a lot of DD over the past 6 months on EGX and I don't plan to move until I lose my investment or sale/mining. Good luck to you and your investment in INV, hope it pays off for you!! Cheers and Go EGX!