RE:Yup!This company desparately needs a "new start" with a new team that can take it to the next level, replace the current core team (and buy out their positions) that is responsible for undermining the integrity of this company. Fundamentally, the trust required by investors to encourage investment to the organic growth of the company does not exist and is solely attributed to lack of faith amongst the current team that is responsible for the stench associated with this group. The company does have legs on the basis of the core science but the associated business core team and associated stock players (pump and dump) needs to be painfully addressed in order for anything to have legs to move forward.
We need a new team to clean out the old blood, focus on cleaning up the current stock structure which, as most know, should lead to a rollback . This should not present an issue for anyone provided the science can back it up which, based on what we have seen and read, there is something here.
Perhaps the best thing would be for SBM to sell their asset, provide the relief to the team at TFChem and move onto better ventures suited to the current players like......medical marijuana, gold, platinum, lithium, uranium......take your pick, I dont think it really matters to the current pump and dump team.