GREY:GYPHQ - Post by User
Post by
davetrouton Aug 04, 2014 3:35pm
Post# 22807890
removal of posts????
removal of posts????
Last night I posted, asking about a post last week that mentioned $100,000,000 of revenue for 2013 reported to Nevada by gyph. I was interested in the web site referenced in that post so I could read the original documents. That post DISAPPEARED off the board within 24 hours. Why???
My post last night either never made it to the board or was taken off the board. Why? Well, I did mention that there is an old trick the oil scammers use to make profits disappear so they don't have to share them with their investors and I conjectured whether it was being used in our case to make the mining operation appear unprofitable inspite of the $100 million in supposed revenue--simply have the mining operation you hired inflated expenses to equal revenues and then provide a kick back to owner. Or maybe the owner has a large stake in the hired miner and takes the profits at the mining end leaving gyphq with nothing with which to pay the bills, thus the increasing loss of % ownership to W.
Sent to the boards at 12:37 PST
In any event, I still don't have the web site address with the revenue figures. I think it was a state of nevada site related to business taxes.
And, I wonder weather this post will make it to the board and stay there.
Has anybody else experienced problems after asking questions about the shennaigans going on with gyph??
Sent to the boards at 12:37 PST