PAID bullboard "scam artists"
Years ago a friend of mine told me, "give them the numbers, but let them do the math"
The problem is even the numbers are unreliable, even the earliest Texas Instrument calculators would have struggled to do basic math with "Unreliable numbers"
Note consistent commentary from the new alias creations from the "BBS" ( Bullboard Bashing Syndicate ) "2 years from now", "In a few years", "FAILURES of other sepsis trials"
NO folks, this works and WELL, to the tune of an 11%-12% absolute efficacy and that is with a patient population experts KNEW would come in with a lower efficacy due to the "less sick" patient population. Note the explanation that the removal of the less sick moving forward will "bring the Euphrates Trial in line with previous sepsis trials" Like for example the Euphas Trial in Italy that had a 21% absolute efficacy and that was minus the FDA approved, wholly owned EAA ( endotoxin activity assay ) By pure coin-cidence, the initial trial design has proven to be a "WINFALL" for insiders as the "less than expected efficacy", coupled with the "saga" that was the 3 release interim data report ( still minus the actual number of evaluated patients ) certainly aided a .29 cent placement COMPLETELY absorbed BUY insiders.
This works folks, it has on well over 100K patients globally, and once the new criteria with a "proper patient poulation" is evaluated the efficacy will approach 20% and shareholders will be exceptionally pleased. I'm all for doing math, but the equation can't have more unknown numbers than actual ones.
Keep the BS coming BASH BOYS, it brings me closer to exposing the TRUTH, I have enough evidence to believe and if the gentlman to my right turned 3 shades of red before, let's see how many colours can be produced in the future. I would shut "the PROGRAM" on the bullboard down, and real quick Donnie.