Tiles: As much as I would like to be a proud supporter of Simon and GMA, facts remain facts.
Simon promised so many things to so many investors over the last 6 months and he certainly did not deliver.
The commercial separation was supposed to send the sp on the moon. And guess what: Simon was surprised and did not understand.
Why should we believe him now? He lost my trust (and possibly yours also). He lost DD trust, and strangely enough, no one quotes him anymore.
I will have a smile on my face in a month? Why would I believe him this time? The only reason I keep my shares is that I have an average cost of close to $0.60. Continous disclosure of material information for reporting issuer is not an option. It's the law.
One last thing. Once and if the sp goes up, who will be interested to put its faith in a CEO that is so unreliable? If you miss a deadline once or twice, fine, but constantly ? Inventing vacation stories???
What a shame.