my # 1 buy for the next 24 months!!! is AOI! -I think we Will open up Kerio basin.. stock goes from 6-9 basing range to 18 overnight like a scalded chimp. All analysis comes on board pounding the table saying AOI is a buy out target with xx target based on all the potiental basins and all the other good stuff we have been saying all along. Size of the north sea.. can you put a price tag on it?? I think AOI wants to prove Source rock, seal and trap in each basin.. then they can go to out and market all the possible oily basins as a package along with the producing basins in a huge sale. The dominos are in place... took a long time for investors to wait.. the last 12-14 months was basically watching paint dry and grass grow .. but, I can see it lined up and ready to go down one by one! KERIO up next.. giddy up baby.. next 3 months are going to be FUN!! We are done basing .. bring on the new uptrend! Go AOI