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Microbix Biosystems Inc T.MBX

Alternate Symbol(s):  MBXBF

Microbix Biosystems Inc. develops and commercializes biological and technological solutions for human health and wellbeing. It enables the commercialization of diagnostic assays by making a range of critical ingredients and devices for the global diagnostics industry, notably antigens for immunoassays and its laboratory quality assessment products (QAPs) that support clinical lab proficiency testing, enable assay development and validation, or help ensure the quality of clinical diagnostic workflows. Its segments include development, manufacturing and sales of products relating to the medical diagnostics industry, namely antigens as test ingredients, quality assessment products to help ensure the accuracy of test workflows and viral transport medium to enable collection of patient test samples and, and development and commercialization of novel and proprietary products or technologies, such as Kinlytic. Its Kinlytic urokinase is a biologic thrombolytic drug used to treat blood clots.

TSX:MBX - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by amendison Aug 29, 2014 10:55pm
Post# 22892184

Chart shows MBX bottom out

Chart shows MBX bottom outChart shows MBX bottom out. Coming week start to go up again. Russian and Ukraine problem is the problem for the market. Europe fall but TSX and Dow hold Even Gold lost.
Bullboard Posts