RE:RE:RE:Who are you elnvestor 99 ??Thanks for you input RE38.
This is not the right board to be talking about GPW. But since you asked I will explain. If you go to Note 10 on page 11 and 12 of the Q2 2014 Financials and read it you will see that the company recorded an expense of $467K in relation to an assoicated company. What it says is that GPW wrote off $467K when a subsidiary that it owned diluted its shares that GPW held, thereby making GPWs stake in the subsidiary less valuable. The beneficiaries of the share dilution (the guys who got the new shares) included a director of GPW. So essentially that director picked up all or part of the $467K, while GPW wrote it off. Exactly why the shares were diluted or why that director took so much company money is not satisfactorily explained. And something like that should have been fully disclosed and properly explained. It took a healthy profit and made it into a loss, and it looks like there was some sort of impropriety committed.
And since this is the actually MBC board I will just say that I am sorry the MBC shares are going so low. If there was any way this company could survive those shares would be a really good deal right now and I would be buying in. But personally I just do not see much prospect for survival. Sure it is a new company just ramping up production. I understan that, but that is not the point. The point is that the debt load is now way too high, and unless there is some sort of big increase in the selling price SSP (like a 50% increase or more) the revenues will never be enough to service the debt. The original business analyis was done based on a much higher SSP price. I think this company is now in a tail spin, and you would be best off to sell your shares sooner rather than later and get whatever you can for them. I first posted my thoughts on this 4 days ago when the shares were at 25 cents. Now they are at 18 cents. So I am thinking I could be right about this. But, it is after all only my opinion. No one can actually see the future, and if you like the company and believe in its survival you should keep your shares, and maybe even buy a few more.