This company is insolventLooking at the May 31, 2014 financial statements I can see that this company is insolvent. Their General and Admin expenses run $2million/year!!! What do they spend the money on? Salaries? And what portion of Management Fees are paid to insiders? Adding more transparency to the financial statements would be a decent thing to do, Mr. Reid and Mr. Macintosh. Do you have something to hide? Current assets less current liabilities is 984k - 660k = ($324k) = Insolvent. Their share structure fully diluted is sky high at about 400 million shares. Their stock is in the toilet and they issue shares at these low prices just to keep the doors open, causing major dilution. March 14 they issue themselves (directors and officers) stock options with an exercise price of $0.065 good until March 2019. 1,6000,000 options vested immediately and 1,000,000 options vested Sept 5/14. So you wonder who dumped shares Sept 5? Maybe it was company management. The 2013 annual report lists several times options were granted to management however not once did I see where the name of the recipient was disclosed. Again, Mr. Reid and Mr. Macintosh. Do you have something to hide? When are shareholders going to replace these bandits? Please confirm this data with Sedar in case there is an error: