History Repeating Itself?Nothng matters for me in the Kane debate, except for what's between my ears.
Having supported two other failed junior biotech cos.(BXI and SBS) and many other small and once hopeful flops including SHH, I see a similar pattern here. I tend to agree with the Champ, we are screwed.
Gord et al knit us into a corner and again, a bold move is needed to rip apart the ill manufactured result and start fresh.
Yes money will be needed, but to support serious objectives with serious management this time.
If the science isn't there, then shut this down. Let's have some honest disclosure about it for a change. Is there really a possibilty that DispersinB be used for internal human use like mouthwash and toothpaste as once suggested?
The problem with using the term DD in this case is evident. The alleged exercise that Kane allegedly worked on with Bayer Animal Health Science is allegedly ongoing. DD does have an end point and it is always a much faster process than this alleged exercise. No nuancing this as true DD should have ever been accepted by us.
In the early 30s when DD was first introduced as a securities related protection process, and ever since, the term DD has been correctly used for mergers, takeovers and to a lesser extent exposure of the truth by auditors in cases where companies have wanted to protect info. Granted and understood. And yes the term is used to a lesser extent in the science field, but not as it was here. The term in Kane's case has created smoke and mirrors whether intentionally done or not.
This exercise appears to be more like a joint exploration to see if the big Pharma company could use some of Kane's proprietary products for sale under big Pharma's name and under their marketing umbrella. Well folks, if it ain't happened yet; it's a duck. Walks, talks and acts like a dead duck in this case.
I see nothing but another f up by a once promising small Canadian company. At least time the Federal government hasn't let Chinese interests steal the IP, yet.
All IMHO whether right or wrong.