COS needs a future and a New Management Team
Your right they do have a hedge with US currency, which does not look to good right now...Management can't predict cash flow because they have no production hedges in place and their production profile is extremely unreliable. In fact they can't even get industry investors to support the replacement cost of the plant, not to mention the decades of reserves or the fact that the business is a going concern. So what ever management thinks they are doing, IS NOT WORKING, Capish! Its time for a new management team a new vision and some operational savvy. A plant/mine that now with the Wet Crushing, that is suppose to add 20% to the bitumen production, does this now mean they have the capacity to produce more then 400,000 boe a day of bitumen? What is management going to do next time they have an upgrader failure, I know they can send home half the mining staff and sit on their hands, lets pray they will get struck by lighting and come to their senses and appreciate they need to have a Plan B when the upgraders fails to insure cash is generated and the investors are happy, and so that Syncrude and COS have a brighter future......