RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:UK Post/RE: News or update/Dragons teeth/tues 23:28 Hi firecracker74
Here is an additional responce from the UK post on Forehand Ranch. You might be aware of this already
but we then had this update in the q2 about FR wells
'Forehand Ranch Property, Eddy County, New Mexico: On May 29, 2014, the Company announced that it had begun a shallow pool Cherry Canyon development program on this property. The Cherry Canyon is a shallow oil interval in the Delaware Formation at approximately 4,000 feet vertical depth. The Company's intent was to initially drill and frac three vertical wells, one being a pressure maintenance well, in succession using the same rig. However, log data obtained while drilling made an unpermitted location look more favorable than one of the three permitted locations. Therefore, the Company decided to drill the first two locations and release the rig while it pursued a permit to drill the more favorable location. The two vertical wells, Forehand Ranch 22 State #1 (the FR 22-1 well") and Forehand Ranch 27 State #4 (the "FR 27-4 well"), have been drilled and are scheduled to be fracture stimulated this month. The FR 27-4 well will be completed as a pressure maintenance well, which will significantly reduce lease operating expense at Forehand Ranch
Long Caza