Sept 18, 2014...., 02:17pmcountryg wrote..,
.."As for the educated and progressive pragmatists, I'm on their side"..
petro reply..,
Only prolm is their not in politcs,
1-they'v left the country 2 pursue othr goals
2-Thos that r staying r teamng up with forgn compnys as lobbsts, consltnts, middle wo/men
3-Startng own business 2 tak advantg of $$$ in upcomng explorations ( nothng wrong with n onsite Timmy's, Noodle Bowl, etc )
4-Planng their own invstmnt movs 4 next 2 - 10yrs.., why be in politcs nd all the headchs, infightng, c-rap, press..stress... easy life
5- IMO.., countryg livng in a bit of illusional world constntly lookng 4 attention nd accptnc of self... by othrs