BetHere's the bet I ageed to. No where did it mention bankruptcy etc. My bet was strictly on whether or not they wod get back the properties they lost.
As I said earlier The actual Tesoro property that they drilled is gone. I've seen no news that it was returned...
There was never anyterms discussing Chance1 or all those titles. My bet was for the property that was drilled...
I'll take the bet...
If SLI holds the Tesoro property on sept 18 2014, You win one case of beer...
and tell you what if they don't get the property back and I win, you don't even have to pay me, I couldn't care less about a measly case of beer...
If you really believed they would get the property back you would be betting alot more than $30.00...
PS Your posts are sad and pathetic.