RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Rmezzie, today, HNU better price is 10.82 or not?2Cheaky,I regard your strategy stand on short term and long term.
it is not a gamble. it is a smart trade. how long have you stock experience .
I am interested in your view. I learn from Mayor and inquire your career too. thanks.
FSB14's idea is 70%true. but profit space is small.
How long have you stock experience ? and your career.
As a good coordinator, I should understand every friend's advantage.
thanks a lot.
Rmezzie, your cautious can avoid many risk , but lost many chances.
Mayor, what time you can return ETF trade, not playing strange stock.( large risk).
Inves20, I know you are a bull, but why become to bear recently?
My idea is that if the food is safe, we can eat it no matter wearing bull or bear's clothings.
thanks brothers.