GreatSwami wrote: From the Company news release:
Petro One receives $500,000 payment from Korea Myanmar. 2014-09-19 18:34 ET - News Release. Mr. Peter Bryant reports:
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
Petro One Energy Corp. has received bank confirmation that the $500,000 payment due on Sept. 19, 2014, pursuant to the company's agreement with Korea Myanmar Development Company Ltd. has been received and was on deposit prior to the close of business on Sept. 19, 2014. An additional $500,000 remains payable on Sept. 26, 2014, and the balance of $2-million is payable on or before Oct. 7, 2014, to complete the $6-million in private placement financing scheduled to close on that date. The remaining $3.5-million of private placement financing is currently held on deposit pending closing.
The company looks forward to working with KMDC to develop its oil properties and grow and prosper together through production.
We seek Safe Harbor.
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
Then from Mr Longshortman...
If I were to give you a tip, it would be to devote that same effort to studying the market and learning the craft of trading. Then you might actually learn how to make money!
I personally don't give a rats rear about the fundamentals on this thing. Some like them, some don't. Either way I don't understand them. And it looks like all the self-styled experts, in their wisdom, keep missing the trade here anyways. Ever seen a geological genius who made a living trading stocks? Exactly. So who cares.
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
This an internet stock promotion forum. There are no heros or icons here. All posters have an agenda to make money, including you, so just fess up already. All valuations are inherently flawed, so who cares? The only thing that matters: Can one pull of wicked trades or not?
Everything else is just wasted time, effort and money.
I took the time to simply copy and paste the above and will make just a few comments on some of the items highlighted.
The poster hiding beneath the longshortman cyberhandle makes a couple of good points but he clouds it by some sweeping generalisations that are simply wrong. Well they are not just wrong - they are "wronger than wrong."
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
The first point is a comment that from his own point of view - he does not give a rats about fundamentals? All very good however there are an awful lot of folks who really DO care about fundamentals - and who have a right (or an expectation at least) to expect that they are given a reasonably honest appraisal of the potential outcomes of anything into which they "invest" their money. If you take Mr longshortman at face value - he is quite happy to have all kinds of promotional vehicles out there that have no underlying fundamental value whatsoever - just as long as he can make money from it.
This is all verty well if you have a completely level playing field where all players have access to the same information - however we know that this is not the case - there are "professional" shills out there whose job it is to convince people that there is more out there than there actually is - and so some players know a whole lot more about the true underlying fundamentals than all the others and thus the playing field is strongly tilted in those players favour... So that it becomes a simple game for the few to make a lot of money while the many lose their shorts. Its not fair - of course not - its just the way the game is played - but lets not lie about this inequitable access to the real value of any investment in the first place whereby some can make money far more easily than others BECAUSE THEY KNOW BEFOREHAND WHEN TO FOLD!
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
He then makes a defamatory case again the trading of money making skills of all geological experts - something that is self evidently an impossible claim to make as I personally know many geological practitioners who make a darn fine living off both their professional skills AND their trading/investment skills. Like everything else there are probablistic distributions with these things. Some geologists (engineers, accountants, bankers, doctors, dentists, plumbers, electricians, whatever) may be lousy traders, some OK traders - and some will undoubtably be excellent traders (investors). There is no easy blanket statement here. But of course those with an inside track will always do better than those without such an edge - but simply telling us that truth says nothing about skills and everything about inequitable access to important information - right!
All posters have an agenda to make money.
On the surface this is quite logical - but it is only ever a very partial truth and never the whole truth? There are a vast number of other reasons that people post or frequent these BBs - one very simple and banal one is to discover links to supporting evidence that they might not easily otherwise find. Of course this also implies that they believe that what they are digging up information about has provable and genuine fundamental value - something Mr Longshortman would like you to believe is futile and unnecessary? If an investment (or simple speculation) has no fundamental value - then it only has its money making value. If it only has money making value - the only way it can be played for a financial win is if some folks know things that others do not - an inequitable access to information. Where that exists - the money traders make money - everyone else loses money. Mr longshortman is happy with that situation because he is on the the one side of the information equation - he really does not give a rats (in his own words) about those who are on the other side where they are kept blind to the true fundamentals...
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
Posters like mr longshortman (there are several others of his type here too) would like evryone to believe that they are simply much smarter than everyone else and that it is their trading smarts that set them apart. The truth is its not a level playing field - its like playing poker with someone who already knows all the cards in the blind - as a regular player you simply ain't ever going to win...
Backing up to the news release itself - Petro One proudly announces that the money is now in the bag (which is probably quite true) but at the close of their news release they happily add this following piece of self serving promotional stuff: "
The company looks forward to working with KMDC to develop its oil properties and grow and prosper together through production."
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
This statement has a really nice warm fuzzy feeling about it and it leads the reader into the simple assumption that once the money is in place the drilling of (wildly) successful wells will follow and that the project will simply leap from success to sccess with production growth - something that any honest appraisal of their properties would suggest is quite a low probability event. Of course - longshortman will tell you that none of this matters (and truly it doesn't because him and his ilk will be long gone before any of these wells is drilled as their part in the game will be over).
Lets look at just a few very simple lines of evidence here that suggest that easy success and solid production growth is going to be a low probability event. First nearly all their plays here in Saskatchewan and Manitoba are conventional oil plays - they are not Resource plays. (The exception is the non-conglomeratic Viking play at Milton). The company itself has spent nearly nine million dollars trying to obtain production from these properties without success. They have one producing Milton Viking conglomerate well - a well that may pay for its own drilling costs - but a well that is very watery and with high op costs associated with keeping it producing. Note that none of the other Viking vertical wells that encountered the conglomerate were capable of any sustained oil production? They drilled 5 Viking wells - only one that produces any oil - and that only if they leave it shut in half the time!
They got rid of two supposedly prime properties they owned near Minton/Hardy - one they just plain dropped the other they retained an override. They drilled their own well at what they assumed was the best spot on their Rosebank property and they found the Frobisher eservoir tight and the Alida reservoir soaking wet? The only remaining place left there to drill a well is lower in structure (much lower) and likely much wetter.
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
They brought in whatever money they could from Goldstrike (this is not an arms length transaction of course) and drilled a vertical well at South Reston in their Waulsortian mound play. Offset mud mound vertical wells are supposed to be happy 200-300 bopd producers and the well thay drilled left their reservoir gurus unable to convince themselves it would be capable of any commercial production! Read that again. This play - of all their plays - was to be the true company maker. The analogue wells they use to suggest just how good it could be produce 200-400 bopd (wildly economic wells) however their well is deemed completely uncommercial... What part of this revelation is so difficult for anyone to understand?
Before the Korean money became an item there was talk that the remaining JV money with GSR would be used to go back an rework vertical wells at Milton in the viking - a graveyard into which they had already poured some nine million bucks to get something less than 15 bopd (on average) from one out of 5 wells?
With all their other "superb" properties - drilling any one of which would have solved their cash flow problems even if they produced half as well as expected - POP (and GSR in tow) can only come up with trying to rework wells that are self evidently uneconomical? Really! Why not simply drill a "successful" well at Ingoldsby, or at Rosebank, or at Manor etc etc etc and then use the humoungous cash flow to move forward? The reason - they themselves do not believe their own promotional materials. What other reason can there be????
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
The final point is agian one that I have used before. These properties did not have some special magic. They have been available for drilling for several decades now - a couple of decades with very attractive commodity pricing. P & NG leases are good for two years - if you do not drill a well and hold production within that two years you have to let the lease expire and then re-bid on the land if you want it back. No matter how you slice it these lands will have been cycled in and out of the ownership pool some ten or more times over the past 25 years. During that time - nobody else has found a convincing reason to have drilled them? This means that dumb sleepy companies like North American Life, Zargon, Crescent Point, Talisman, Petrobank, Legacy, Painted Pony, Penn West (to name a few) - not to mention dozens of aggressive micro cap Oil and Gas juniors plus the many private Mom and Pop (not POP) operators that frequent the Saskatchewan and SW Manitoba oil space - all of these many companies with access to all the geological data bases and seismic lines that criss cross the countryside here have looked these lands over and given them the thumbs down as far as any decent economic upside is concerned.
If you did not catch that - some of the most agressive and enterprising outfits in the Canadian oilpatch have scoured these properties in the past and turned them down...
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
I am not any "insider" with inequitable access to information like some who "Oh so innocently" post their material here. All I am is someone intimately familiar with a lot of the industry standard public domain data on the prospectivity or otherwise of all this stuff. (All this data is available through Government databases and can be independantly researched - and has been ad infinitum - by almost anyone with an interest to do so).
Bottom line - if your primary purpose here is to make money by skillful trading strategies - then the best of luck to you with your trading strategies - just remember that it is not a level playing field here and that there are many folks out there who know what is going on "behind the scenes" and they will always win over the happy amateur - no matter how smart that happy amateur thinks he might be. It is not that some here are really smarter (or just better) traders - its just that they know stuff that others do not - they know the hidden cards in the blind...
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
The second point here if you happen to be someone who wishes their speculation to be more of an investment than a fast in and out on speculation - you need to know what the fundamentals are behind the properties that are about to be drilled. You have seen and been exposed to all the self serving promotional material - I simply present the other side of the "fundamental" coin here.
Remember the rule of very large numbers applies here in the stock market. Sure for every Lottery there will be a winner or winners. But knowing that someone will always win does nothing to improve your individual chances of becoming a winner. There are many posters here all trumpeting their trading skill or acumen. All pretend that they are winners no matter what - they always buy low and sell high? Is that ever really true - and for the few that it is true - is that not just the happy accidental outworkings of the law of large numbers rather than any inherent self professed trading skill. If it not a happy accident - if there are genuinely very successful traders here - how likely is it that it is from skill alone and not access to inequitable information? Think about it!
....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I am a well spoken stock manipulator known as Great Svengali.....I Don't really know how to trade stocks for a profit but I am here to foist my wisdom upon you. I have nothing better to do, I like the attention. Rather than learning how to ride a stock I will just sit on the sidelines poking at people who know how to pull off winning trades...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've never done anything of note in the oil patch and have no track record or credibilty....I hide behind a wall of anonymity....everyone should listen to me....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I envy Longshortman for making very smart trades and making money while I sit on the sidelines moaning...BLAH BLAH BLAH....
For sure the only reason a lot of folks are here is to make money. How do they do that? By ensuring that many others lose money... It really is that simple. Beware the BB experts - sociopathy or even psychopathy is prevalent here - greed is genuinely the only good! If only the playing field was not so tilted.
A point was made earlier that what do I feel if folks follow advice and lose money because of what I have posted? This is a valid question - but it is the wrong question. If someone does not invest here - they still have all their money - they have "lost" nothing. (There are many safer places to put it where they can make more money).
For sure if someone has not invested here at 40 cents, 50 cents or 60 cents because of what I have posted - and then the stock runs to a dollar or even 2 dollars (or more?) they have lost that possible "gain" in their net worth. That is something that is quite real - but as Mr longshortman himself so eloquently has explained - "it has nothing at all to do with the fundamentals and everything to to do with making money" and I have offered no advice on that whatsoever? All I have done is to highlight the fact that the "fundamentals here" as presented by the most blue sky interpretation of the corporate presentations are most probably evry low probability events - and I have shown what the more high probability events might be instead. This restores a balance to the skewed promotional pump regarding the fundamentals - and those fundamentals are of no concern to mr longshrtman so he really has no basis on which to comment on my posting about them - in his words "it doesnt matter!"
I do feel sorry for anyone who may miss any speculative upside from the promotional phase of this project - but that is a game for every player to decide how they wish to play that fro themselves. I do not speak to that side of this at all. But i do speak to the fundamentals - for those who unlike the traders may care about them - and for those players I will have saved them money. They will still have what they started with - they will not have lost anything because of any spurious and false expectations.
Yeah - it is all about making money - but for me - i like to think that game should be played with a bit of honesty, a whole lot of integrity and where it is at all possible - with a level playing field for all players. May the best players win!
For those who reposted my previous material - while I thank you for having paid attention - it is really unnecessary - once is enough for each item involved and please put a comment in the header or the first few line showing some attribution and please attach some original thinking or material with such reposted material. After all what we all wish for is new and different insights - not the mere parroting of trite and uninformative material. (The specialty of the traders whose only concern is to seemingly blow their own trumpets the loudest?)