RE:SacOil share distribution for Mena Shares Owned 100% Profit!That confirms it if anyone was confused. You KEEP your Mena shares and you ALSO get a pile of SacOil shares. Its like a 2 for the price of 1 deal. So SacOil is now trading at 0.03 to 0.035 british pence, which converts to 0.05 to 0.06 Canadian cents.
So perhaps someone can correct me if I am wrong here?
Mena holders get 178,156,939 SacOil shares (After Mena keeps 5.5 million shares), Mena has 265,875,821 shares outstanding. So 178,000,000 / 265,000,000 is ~0.6716.
So for every 100,000 shares of Mena you own, you get 67,000 SacOil Shares. So currenty
one could BUY 100,000 Mena shrs @ 0.015 cents for 1500$, wait to get the 67,000 SacOil shares and then sell those 67,000 shares at 0.03 pence (0.05 cents CDN) to get back 3350$ Canadian..... and you still have the Mena shares.....uuuuu nice return.