RE:RE:RE:RE:CDP Royalty Rights - Montney Shale Spoke with Chad Wells this morning re this oil and gas royalty. He said (what I suspected): Those royalties flow out of some residual rights that somehow mix with the minerals rights that yield the royalty amounts described in the latest Q. But that the CDP purchase is all about mineral rights which does not include oil and gas rights. So at this point there is nothing to, my closing point on this issue is: who is to say that at some point Altius couldn't acquire oil and gas rights. I say that without the slightest bit of knowledge how that would happen or if Altius would be interested. I did not discuss that with Chad Wells.
Alderon, if it survives, is set back a year at least. While it is true the BNP issue was a bump, but they've been having problems since the the last quarter of 2013 and it is worse as we enter the last quarter of 2014. they should have doing field work toward construction starting in the spring of 2014.