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Lightstream Resources Ltd. LSTMF

"Lightstream Resources Ltd is engaged in the exploration and development of oil and natural gas in Western Canada. Its operating areas include Southeastern Saskatchewan, Central Alberta, and North-Central Alberta."

GREY:LSTMF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by jerrybeon Sep 26, 2014 10:24am
Post# 22973171


RE:RE:NewsAs much as I was angry at the firm for selling a core asset (instead of a non-core disposition as announced) is turning out to be a decent sale after all. We do not have the counterfactual but we would surely also be punished if we had not reduced debt significantly.

It is carnage in the E&P particular in Canada, SOG, SGL, LTS, and so many more...quite a few opportunities out there for larger firms to pick up assets on the cheap. ECA is shopping and I am sure others also...with a long term view of LNG and Keystone XL being approved (I know a pipe dream for now)...this could be an amazing opportunity. Buy when everyone is selling, isn't that the advice?
Bullboard Posts