RE:Lets deal with factsUraniumted ,
I agree with you, anyhow here are some FACTS :
PTA closed @ 0.29 CAD. FACT
thats a market cap of 250 Mill CAD. FACT
that equals 225 Mill USD. FACT
net cash is (60 mill - 35mill debt ) = 25 mill USD. FACT
that translates to an EV of 200 Million USD. Freakin FACT !!!!!!!!!!
PTA estimates a reduced 7400 BOEPD ! Let's say the only manage to increase production to 8500 BOEPD in 2015 and their net backs are reduced to $65 instead of mid $70's (Estimate)
That translates to 2015 CASH FLOW of 200 Mill !!!!!!!!!!!!!
so basically PTA IS TRADING AT 1X 2015 CF !!!!!!!!!!
Cheapest oil producer in the world !!!!!! FACT
I bought 500,000 shares today !!!!! FACT
I am re arranging my portfolio to buy more PTA !!! Another FACT !!!
I assume you get the picture, and if you or whoever else reading this doesn't than that's too bad !!