Wake up Primed/ charlie99Wow you guys are really tryig to discredit me now, I wonder why?
OK let's gp through it!
Now you are claiming that definitions of words are subjective? Intense dislike or extreme dislike are the definitions of hate as are stronger adjectives.
No they may be to YOU, but not to ME!
How can you compare the feelings of Alan Henning's family towards those that ended to something that occurred on the financial markets?
If i were them I would feel hate, but here? I feel dislike. if you think they are the same then you really are missing something most human beings have!
This is how you described your feelings. SO, you HATE!
Err, no I don;t hate anyone! But I do diislike some people,and that is not the same as hating them! For me the two words mean very different things!
I don't know why you are trying to deny what you said. You described your hatred of others
Where did I do that?
What rubbish, I have never said I hated anyone so don;t lie!
Come on Aim, you are hater. And there is nothing wrong with that.
Yes there is, because I'm not, and there is somehing wrong with people that hate!
Which I Don't!
You are a hater in a hate cult.
Err no, I plough my own furrow, always have done always will do!
Everyone needs to belong to something.
Do they?
I don;t feel I need to 'belong' anyhere!
I am not at all shocked that you blow off the dictionary as being subjective
No. because it IS "subjective"!
because that is what you and your haters group do. You ignore facts and dismiss anything that you simply don't like including the truth.
Err,I DON't beolong to ANY group! Another lie!
It is okay aim, you can hate all you want. Embrace your emotions!
Err, I dont HATE anyone!
And never have done!
But don;t let FACTS get in the way of a good STORY!