RE:and the trash talk goes on"PS: I only post here because you three insist on bashing ZEN everyday. I have to set the record straight and expose your twisted agenda for the inexperienced readers who might think you know what you are talking about." Do you truly see yourself as an inexperienced reader savior? Bob, Chief and others have certainly brought some technical arguments to the table that can profoundly affect the value of both companies and you have totally ignored addressing them directly in your response. Your best effort is claiming "its trash talk" and then profess to being some kind of are a savior? Seems other valid points are often answered by name calling by others of your group? Are Bob, Chief and others are onto something? Show us that you know what you are talking about answer questions with your non trash talk like ...what is the good of any resource if it is too expensive to process? Or does it really matter how many tons a 43-101 shows if a profit can't be made? And how much is it going to cost to go into production, how long will it take and where is the money going to come from? Bob has very valid questions on lack of disclosure, faking pictures other graphite inconsistencies. Are these points "bashes" or valid points in comparing the competition? I don't believe name calling and generalities like "trash talk" cut it as heroic or meaningful responses to these types of valid concerns. It would be nice to see a point by point counter argument made against the points Bob has brought up for starters. This would help set the record straight for the inexperienced readers you claim to "only post for". The rest of us know exactly what your problem is