RE:Competitors Sales and ProfitsCaritas:
PLS is now cliping along at 1.0m ton per quarter. It's different material at Orca - its sand and gravel; mainly sand and it sells for $13/ton in SFO.
HBK is selling rock and thus why its going to command $35 ASP - and the transportation costs ma be lower than what PLS endure by taking it down to Cali. Granted PLS have scale, bigger boats - not barges, and hence why they are doing 4.0 m tpa.
I'd argue that there is an order of magnitidue in difference in vols between PLS and HBK - so unit cost comparisons will be significantly different - as scal and speading fixed costs over more units matters a lot - when you are talking (at least) a 10X difference in vols.
different beasts; need to take all that into consideration in your modelling.