Tuesday, 2014.10.14, another red day in world markets. StockTuesday, 2014.10.14, another red day in world markets. Stocks premarket USA trading lower as will Canadian stocks at the TSX opens, albeit down steeply in light of Monday's USA crash.
However, watch the day-rate, close to 1.13 which keeps Canadian stocks elevated higher versus USA stocks, albeit this too shall pass. Albeit, the couple-rate will crush Canadian exporters.
Regardless, sucks to be long in the markets since Friday, more so in light of the TSX being closed on Monday which is bs imho as both USA and TSX should always be open at the same time.
GLTA, short remains the trade for profits as the DOW plunges to 9,000 and below.
Welcome to the depression!
Yes, Virginia, right you are. The Emporer Has No Clothes, albeit Fraud and CME Streets along with their gullible sheeple followers believe otherwise. Ah,hahahaha, don't drink the sheeple juice, kids!
Day traders rule, do your own trading daily, long and short, never hold any of the junk peddled by Fraud and CME Streets overnight nor invested in mutual funds, RRSP, TFSA, RESP which do not short the markets as they are invested long; a definate money loser as stock markets around the world are in long term crash mode.
GLTA, enough of the hopium bs, hee haw!