I'll be very shocked .. if this surpasses .27 cents.... I'm more prone ot beleive tthis stock wil be supressed.... for the plight and gains of a private party... More debt incurred.. securring a loan of 121 million and with their presentoputstanding debts in the too far gone dept.... is nonsensicle... more debt = stock devaluation... its not a good sign for investors.. but only those who run the company... and the debtor.... shareholders do not gain.... its when thr comapny is in good standings... clear of debt.... growing.. earning more ... and its then the sharep[rice rises... this brief pump.. is just that.. brief.... a clean sweep of monies... after all where od you think you get your earnings form.. the comapny? the stock market? no... other investors... period... a give and take.... and hope you dont get to greedy to get what you can from another....