New 2014 Projected Revenue EstimatesLast update from Lucara Mgmt team was a $ 240 - $ 250 Million in revenue F2014.
Think they are conservative as they always are .. here is where I think Lucara Diamonds are now at
Jan - June Diamond Sales Revenues as they reported: 128.6 Mlliion
Second Exceptional Diamond Tender as reported 40.1 Million
Third (October) Exceptional Diamond Tender as reported 46.4 Million
Total tender sales results reported 215.1 Million
TBA - 3 Regular Diamond sales
tenders 67,5 Million
(2nd qtr/per tender sale avg = 22.5M) ============
New projected 2014 Sales Revenues 282.6 Million *****
*** Estimate only
Could be higher since only 1 regular
tender in 3rd Qtr which could be larger
than a regular tender sale
Also more larger diamonds seem to be included
in regular tenders so 3rd/4th regular tender
sales may each yeild more that $ 22.5 Million each)
We could end up in $ 290 - $ 300 Million range very easily which
will really increase the EPS !
- DS