Anyone know if..............DD/RDX can compete (with their free feedstock an all) with the likes of all the industrial scale size digesters, UOP's/Ecofining and Neste's various technologies yet???
Don't look now but it looks like the BIG BOYS are moving into DD's Ohio territory!!!
Anyone know if DD's Ohio boys were funded by DD/RDX??? Does DD still have plans to fund/loan $$$$$$$$$$$$$ to folks that buy into his franchise scheme???
Would companies like Nextera, (in Maine) who want to see if they can burn RDX's RDO fuel as a back-up in their peaking units (better to have liquid fuels on-site due to natural gas pipeline constraints during periods of high gas demand for heating throughout New England) buy a 15% lower btu rated fuel, that needs tank & line heating, and is an unproven (is it reliable?) fuel??? Peaking Generation units have to be very reliable!!! Would they buy it at a very low price, at least for the first few years???