Just my opinion I believe the Mine has lived up to all expectations of the original money lenders. I also believe management have to get to the bottom of all these DELAYS and EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWNS which to me seem far too numerous. The MAIN PROBLEM as I see it is the PRICE OF GOLD. I don't believe the Dufferin Mine will open until APP believe the PRICE OF GOLD has stabalized at a level that will make the Dufferin Mine a profitable venture. The Price of Gold will have to be at least going to hold somewhere over $1250 and I believe it will likely need to go to $1300 before the Dufferin Mine reopens. The Price of Gold has shown signs recently of making a modest recovery, this a good sign. The fundementals that sent Gold to such high prices earlier are still intact an viable. Investers need to practice patience and hold the Faith this Dufferin Mine project. during this ruff period. GLTA!