kalvin007, while I would love to see this go up substantially to where it is currently sitting, I am very cautious as to what you have stated about subscribers and advertising as I have been burnt by companies that work under this model (i.e. mobio). Not every company benefits by this model--I will not say it isn't important to have subscribers and ad revenue providing those revenues are massive, but you definitely need to be making sales--ad revs are just gravy but are not the main dish. I am actually weary of social media stocks for this reason and one of the biggest reasons I haven't bought into slyce--I think it will have a finite point of a $1.00-$2.00 because it all depends on how strong their revenue can be from fees and revenue splitting and quite honestly, while I appreciate the idea and tech at hand others will enter the market if they haven't already done so--so there is very limited upward mobility on that but the ad rev and rev splitting based on sharing scares me--because at the end of the day it will come down to direct sales and they really need to be strong. I am definitely following slyce but it is trading way too high for me to even think about it--already hit 16 times its 52 wk low and is getting there again--that's too big of a growth with probably not much at this point to go on--we would need to see numbers over a few more quarters--if strong the stock will do really well, if not it will level off and most likely decline. same thing goes for tng--if it has in fact finished its restructuring at this point we should not be looking to ad revenues but direct sales--they have to be very strong for this company to succeed. glta