Brent Johnson refused to meet/talk with George Piatkowski
Back in August, 2013 I was in Vancouver, BC, Canada meeting with Gold Corp and others after George Piatkowski became our Canadian Agent against Jorge and Brent. Brent was conveniently out of town! But not Robert Scrannage. I talked with Bob several times. And this was after the secret meeting in Florida and the $150,000 investment for the Alaska Project, and Scrannage and insider Karenko disserted Brent Johnson and Steve Holt!
So since 2010, why has Brent Johnson refused wo meet with George Piatkowski? The truth would have exposed Jorge Lopehandia as a con-artist. It was George who introduced Jodrge to Dr. Jingbin Wang of Beijing Donia Resources Co. Associates of Dr. Wang traveled and walked on the Mina Pascua claims years ago and discovered all the flaws to Jorge's claim to title. Dr. Wang is also a member of the China Mining Association. George Piatkowski had set up a meeting with Jorge and Dr. Wang. State owned Zijin Mining is also China Mining Association.
Good bye MSX and Jorge from Chile.