Supersnipe_one wrote: Many more Bypass trades on Omega, Select, Chi-X & CX2 platforms the last several days......has the "Friends & Family" exit trading fun started yet?
I thought RDX's stock would at least survive until to next spring........DD needs to dangle a few more carrots!!!
Anybody hear anything about Tyson becoming RDX's new "Sugar Daddy" ???
How about the rumor, that Dennis Danzik is legally trying to change his name???
Anyone heard from Mr. Ian (Texas) Kerr lately???
Will RDX's confidential lawsuit agreements bring in new money and keep it afloat for another year???
How many more shares will be issued soon???
Why are the evil "RAW SHORTS" destroying this fine company???
Enquiring minds want to know, LOL!!!!!
oh c'mon KERR just suddenly got sick at the last conference call right? All i know is that i have pretneded like my money is this garbage has already disappeared. If a bomb is dropper I dont even care about getting any money back I just want to know DD batmobile has been repoed...