The old shell gameLet's look at the facts. They have been running this clinical trial for quite some time so the fact that news is coming in the second week of November is no surprise to them. They are running a very simple clinical trial with few subjects so they have been getting news as it trickles in. They announced in October that they were going to finance at 25 cents with warrants at 32 cents and miraculously five days before the financing closes they receive news that the results are in and they have to cancel the planned financing and everyone goes hog wild thinking that they cancelled the financing because of some grand news that just appeared on their desk and put out a news release that night. I suspect that they probably had next to no response with their financing and went into panic mode and decided to put out the release and then take a second kick at the financing. I am not a basher and I do like the science of this company but I suspect the news will come out and we may see another rally but then as is the history of this company we will hear the crickets for another year until the pay checks don't clear and they have to go back for more financing. I'm happy for the people that bought this at 21 cents but I frankly don't see the excitement of a stock doubling to the levels it was at 3 weeks ago.