RE:RE:RE:Could followurgut be the real «Anon»?Hey everyone that believe in Q's potential and are eager to protect it and help it succeed, why act gentlemanly when scavengers are now openly tearing at Q as if it was already «a dead duck»? Keeping the level of discussion as high as possible all the time, haven't we all been trying our brains out, unfortunately without any luck though, to find the logic behind Q's slow but irresistible vanishing away from the picture in the last months?
Let's face it! What other realistic scenario other than an occult, intangible, covered, secret, undiscernable and, let's say it loud and openly, ANONYMOUS attempt (conspiracy?) to take Q over (or to eliminate it) at the lowest possible price could explain the actual horror pic unfolding before our very eyes? Can't everyone of you hear, as I do, the big guys from the heavy glass and metal prehistoric solar panel industry laughing out loud behind the curtain at what their special correspondants are helping to make happen to Q? LOL INDEED!
Rest assured that these jostled competitors of Q are dying to own Q's revolutionary technology and world marketing rights ASAP, would it only be to protect their seriously menaced markets and, from now on, outmoded and unfit technologies. They damned well know, for one example among innumerable others, that the industry of traditional residential and commercial building in most emerging countries COULD easily adapt and WILL greatfully adopt Q's ULTRA-LIGHT and efficient solar panelling as the best-renewable and best-adapted energy option ever offered to them to equip their fragile constructions and bring their populations' standard of living to unseen levels. THIS IS HUGE... AND FRIGHTENING!
To these surpassed yet unnerved «last robber barons of the Second Wave», as Alvin Toffler would describe such Q's competitors, there could not be any better way to get rid of QSolar but to firstly asphixiate it before it is even born or, should it finally break its shell despite their despicable manoeuvres, to nail its shoulders to the mattress for the count before it can gather the stamina and momentum it needs to definitely leave them behind in the big cloud of dust they, as the tech-dinosaures they look like, now deserve?
I'm sorry to say, but dont expect me to apologize for my state of mind (or my verbal expression of it!) to anyone here that does not show the respect and dedication due to Q and its besieged management and/or, which is even worst, ARE ADDING FUEL TO THE FIRE so we, the remaining retail shareholders, all flee in panic.
Having said that, please allow me to suggest that all believers in QSolar that have selling orders lower than between .75 and .90 pending should cancel them right now to begin with. This way, the scavengers might have a harder time at getting the share they are attempting to keep exclusively for themselves out of QSolar's soon coming UL celebration banquet.