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York Harbour Metals Inc C.YORK

Alternate Symbol(s):  YORKF

York Harbour Metals Inc. is a Canada-based mineral exploration and development company. The Company is focused on high-grade projects in Newfoundland. The Company has an option agreement with Firetail Resources Limited on the York Harbour Copper-Zinc-Silver Project, located approximately 27 km from Corner Brook, Newfoundland. Additionally, the Company holds a 100% interest in the Bottom Brook Rare Earth Elements Project, covering 15,150 hectares, situated next to the Trans-Canada Highway and only 27 km from a deep-water port at Turf Point, Newfoundland.

CSE:YORK - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by cashmoney88on Nov 13, 2014 2:46pm
Post# 23125824

Overall Junior Market

Overall Junior MarketDo you think the bottom is in on the TSX?  How many companies like PXA will survive?  In the last few weeks ive spoken to a lot of people that are completely underwater on there junior investments.  Will the larger companies start to take out the good smaller ones for cheap? Is now the time to start buying? 

IMO PXA isn't showing there hand because things would be worse if they showed it.  Even if results are decent decent wont cut it.  No chance of PP means no chance of drilling.  Maybe they just sit and wait until market gets better.  One thing we do know Glenn and his buddies are stuck in tthis hing also.  

The waiting game for todays young investors is something new!  But a little advice buy some stocks with some good propeties and sit and wait.  

Might be time to flip out of those blue chips again!
Bullboard Posts